hidup gak selalu indah...
walo kita berharap yang tidak indah itu yang memperindah hidup kita...
let them know.. they so meanfull for me...
hope they get it...
DAFTAR ISI: tentang saya | being moderat | project5 | galeri | simple view | tanJabok.com
MAN BEHIND ME: muhammad, syekh abbas, afa, tan malaka, m.hatta, m.natsir, dt.ribandang-dt.ketemanggungan, umar bin khatab, ali bin abi thalib, etc...
as MINANG's: it isnt about narsism, every man shouldnt forget who they really are... if they do, they just burried their identity, let this be our opportunities/potentials, not threats... a half man dont know where they stand on...
my PROFILEs-SOCIETYs: insancendekia ∙ friendster ∙ goodreads ∙ multiply ∙ andoide ∙ facebook ∙ flickr my WEBs-BLOGs : andodinejad ∙ tanjabok ∙ intuition AFFILIATES : insancendekia ∙ iaic learning center ∙ forum iaic ∙ indonesia renewable energy blog ∙ iaic blog ∙ 5000buku ∙ darul funun el-abbasiyah ∙ project five ∙ jiwandaru ∙ legasi
[friends, partners and links] A: adi ∙ agnilia ∙ ahmadinejad ∙ andesmal ∙ averroes B: bundo nismah C: chelsea-fc ∙ chendra D: denny E: evan F: fakhrum G: gadjah-mada-univ ∙ go-ranahminang ∙ ghulam imaduddin ∙ goenawan mohamad H: hendra mahesa K: kamar maut ∙ kompas I: indra j.piliang L: lathifah arif ∙ lyle M: maisya farhati ∙ man insancendekia ∙ man-utd ∙ matahari gading P: pdri R: rahasia meede ∙ rantaunet ∙ rantaunet foto ∙ rezha rochadi ∙ rhea ∙ republika ∙ rosa S: salman azis ∙ sheffield-fc ∙ syarif ∙ suheimi U: ubgb W: west-sumatera ∙ wiwiet Y: yudi ∙ yusril ihza mahendra ∙ yuti ariani Z: zainal muttaqin ∙ zhmee altratimuri
03 January 2007
hidup gak selalu indah
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11:41 PM
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